Please note: I am editing this blog because it is getting a lot of traffic and I mean, a lot! I honestly did not know Enduro Seude and Micro Fiber were the same thing and I feel that I rushed into buying a couch so I will periodically update what is going on with the couch so you have the full story.
September 2009
I have spent the past few weeks searching for the perfect couch... of course, despite dropping alot of money, I am still convinced I have found it. First, I was set on cloth couches- fabric. We found one we liked at American Furniture but I noticed none of the pillows were removable- IE, they were stuck to the couch and you could not remove them to wash them. That is bad. Then I did research on Chenille and kids and chenille is a bad combo. Something called microfiber was a better buy so I started to search for that. Of course, I stopped by Sofa Mart and saw that all their couches had removable pillows and washable cushions, not to mention reversible. This is good. The only problem as I discovered two days after purchase (by doing some research on the internet- kind of like you are doing now): Static on micro-fiber!!! Sofa Mart sports their micro fiber as enduro suede(R). It is a nice material and soft but suede-like polyester. You know what that means right? STATIC!
Yes, Static is a huge problem as I discovered whilst googling "how to reduce static electricity on micro fiber." Well, the solution is not simple especially when you live in the mile-high (AKA. dry) city. Tomorrow, the couch will be delivered and I will try the anti-static spray I have purchased but I have a 7-day trial period and then may need to switch it out if it does not work. We have not had that problem until now because we have leather. I guess we will find out but I am super nervous. It seems like microfiber is very popular. Unfortunately, I am very prone to static cling and electricity shockers. So are my kids and all the fun jammies they like to wear. I hate it but let's see -- there is always the 7-day exchange and a few fabric couches that Sofa Mart had... but all in all, I think leather is the best for people with kids - talk about EN-DURABLE! Let's see how Enduro Seude holds up and hope Sofa Mart can put their guarantee where their mouth is!
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UPDATE!!!! December 2009
Okay, so we are experiencing a very cold, dry winter here in Colorado and I have to say, despite using all the technics including static guard, water, and what not, there is tons of static on my couch and I hate it! I absolutely hate it. I would not recommend this couch if you do not like static. My kids are shocking me, each other and occassionally I shock the hell out of myself so I honestly wish I had gone with chenille. Now, on the plus side, it cleans up VERY WELL - very well indeed. But, I would still recommend leather if you have kids. If you have pets -- well, up to you - I do not have pets so I cannot speak from personal experience. My favorite is chenille fabric or leather and I think my next couch will be that one.
UPDATE!!! January 2010
So, today was not a good day for our couch and the enduro seude proves to be child proof yet again. Our toddler is potty training and had a massive accident on the couch- only urine thank god, but nonetheless, a mess! Make sure you get the cleaning kit that comes with the couch at Sofa Mart - it worked well and no smell, and no stain. So, while there is tons of static, it sure does clean well!