I finally had the opportunity to see Sex and the City (SATC)- the movie. It was … fabulous. As you may or may not know, the character Carrie Bradshaw from SATC is what inspired me to start this blog. I called myself Clueless in Colorado because I thought it was fitting. In 2003, I turned thirty, was in a new city and a new state and wondering whether I wanted to stay in the career I was in. There I was, trying my hand at writing because writing is something I have always enjoyed. I even took creative writing my senior year in college because I knew I would love it – I did, I even enjoyed the quirky, horn-rimmed glasses-wearing professor who seemed to say the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. I loved everything about the class – I had 100% attendance, and of course, got an A. So, Sex and the City – the series – was just the thing I needed to inspire me to write.
As I reflect on SATC- the series, I realize that I first got introduced to it by a quirky, fun, single girl named Melissa in St. Louis . It was 1999 and I had just moved there and met a group of people who lived in the city and were single – I still remember a Christmas gift from her to all the girls were pirated copies on videotape of SATC – 10 hours on each tape. I was hooked after episode one and could not stop watching. Then, I left the country. It was hard to be overseas because I knew I was missing SATC but I had awesome friends tape it and ship it for me. As the series continued, my dating life continued as well and evolved. It was SATC that saw me through some very tough relationships, long distance relationships, and of course, the wonderful relationship I now call my marriage. SATC saw me through my engaged period and all the drama that brought to my wedding-planning world.
Seeing SATC, the movie brought back a lot of memories and made me realize how much I missed Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha in my weekly life. I could watch each episode of the series several times and not get bored because true to life, the drama often portrayed reality. As I watched the movie, I realized how much my life had changed as well - I had gotten married, gone through some serious adjustment issues, got adjusted to a new job, a new life, had a baby, and the baby was now a toddler! As I watched SATC, the movie, I kept wondering what time it was, because I could not wait to be home, back with my daughter. As I watched, I slowly realized, I was not the same person then that I am now and I was not sad about that either. I loved SATC but I did not need to look back, I was happy where I was … I was, simply put … just fabulous!