I really had a great time watching all the pomp and awe surrounding the inauguration yesterday. I remember other inaugurations but I do not remember being this excited. Of course, that could be because for the last 5 years, I have not cared too much for politics or our President. I watched the Clinton inauguration - the first time he was elected. I was a little disenchanted the 2nd time. Needless to say, for many Americans, this was a historic Inauguration and it carried many firsts. Aside from the obvious firsts, it is also the first time, during my generation, that the image of the President has morphed into something.... well, truly American! I am not just talking about race. I am talking about how the President holds himself out to the public- how he holds himself out to the world. He really portrays an image of grace, dignity, and calm. He is eloquent and his manners are impeccable. It is so refreshing to have a President whom you can respect and be proud to have America represented in the global sphere. Yesterday's inaugural festivities were no exception.
I know the media played up the "race" thing a bit too much - panning the National Mall and the audience for African-Americans but this truly was about the nation and I wish the coverage would have been more well, more "race neutral". It is hard to ignore that he is the first black President and it is exciting especially for those who braved and survived the Civil Rights movement but I think it is more about race now and I am really excited at what the future holds for all people - regardless of race, religion, and national origin. Foreign countries are most excited of all - could this be the beginning of good relations with other nations? My expectations are not that high but most everyone expects a lot. I just hope that he is allowed a chance instead of branded a failure because he did not deliver right away- after all, he is just one man and part of a bureaucracy which never seems to get anything done. Needless to say, the image he portrays and continues to do so will serve him and our nation well and I look forward to the journey. The struggles are many, and I hope the country can make it.