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Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's not a Tumor Part II

So, the ER doc came in to talk with us about what someone else saw on the CT Scan. At first, she came in and said "you have a kidney stone." A few minutes, after she got a call and came back it was no longer a stone, but rather, I may have appendicitis. WHAT??? How do you go from stone to appendicitis. Anyway, she said she would send down a general surgeon to meet with us to consult. Oh great!
The surgeon came by and could not tell anything definitive either. In either case, we were admitted to determine whether to go forward with appendix surgery or not. After this it was a waiting game but in the meantime, I started getting better and by mid-afternoon, the pain was gone. But the waiting game continued.... We waited for the surgeon to return but in the meantime were told that surgery was coming to get us - what?!

Anyway, our nurse was very resourceful, young and quite the nosy busy body so she managed to track down our surgeon who came in and pushed rather hard on my abdominal area again and said he had no strong opinions on whether I should stay the night or not but he was not ruling out appendicitis. What kind of diagnosis is that? Even just 6 hours ago, I was in horrible pain but now nothing except sheer and utter starvation. Sure, the IVs were helping with dehydration but I felt horrible and my milk was drying up too - after all, you need nutrition to produce milk. I really just wanted to go home but since the doctor agreed to allow me to have some liquids, I had some broth and jello and decided to stay the night since the yukky stuff had sorta returned. The nurses even offerred to take my IV out so I decided to stay overnight. I knew what that meant - interruptions to come check vitals and what not all night long - ahh! But having stayed at the hospital twice before for two pregnancies, I asked the nurses to not bother me and managed to get 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep accompanied by another 2 hours. In the morning, my white blood cell count had gone down and I was released by 8am. I was also permitted to have solid foods and ate a breakfast... finally! I was very sore from where the doctor had pushed down on my internal organs but other than that lingering pain and general malaise, I felt pretty good. Now, it was time to breastfeed my baby and get my milk supply back up.

So, I am still perturbed to not know definitively what was wrong with me other than perhaps gastroentiritis. But once again, just a perhaps. I am just glad they did not see anything too severe but at the same time, I wish they could have told me for sure. Just another reason I do not have much faith in the medical industry but let's hope for the best.