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Thursday, June 25, 2009

An Umbrella in Colorado? Really?

Since May, we have had some strange weather in Colorado - lots and lots of rain. In fact, I think it started in April. It is strange but the way things have been I am considering buying a couple of umbrellas. I have never purchased an umbrella in Colorado - it is just so unnecessary. When I moved here 7 years ago, I parted with my umbrella stash. I needed them in Germany and of course in St. Louis and New Orleans but Colorado - come on! Well, this year I am considering purchasing one for the office because every day I leave work it is raining and we cannot have my hair getting wet- after all, straighening it is no picnic for me.

So, I think I may make a trip to Wal mart tomorrow and pick up an umbrella to keep at my office. I may actually buy a slicker for the little one as well - my toddler has a rain jacket but my infant obviously does not and I think this season she will need one - we are almost in July and there is no end in sight to these horrific storms but one thing is for sure, I do not have to turn my sprinklers on and my grass is doing great so who can complain really? Buy an umbrella and a nice rain coat and enjoy getting "caught in the rain" - it is a great monsoon in an otherwise DRY Colorado.