Note: Since this Blog was written, I did receive a response to my written complaint and J&K is following through on what happened or did not happen- they will attempt to remedy the situation so I am feeling a lot better about the fact that I did write a letter to try to resolve issues. If you would like more information do feel free to email me. J&K has gone above and beyond since my letter to their manager. In fact, I had a minor leak due to my siding and the manager and his best crew came out and took care of the issue right away! It really does help to write a nice letter and try to resolve the issues so you can regain the relationship you have with the roofing company. I have to say, that since this blog was written and I had this experience, J&K has done everything to re-establish their relationship with me and follow through on the roof and the warranty.
I write this after my roof has been completely replaced -- I write this because I hope others homeowners will read this before they hire a roofer to completely replace their roof - it is the single most important decision you will make in the lifetime that you own your home. Very few things are as important as the roof over your head - okay, the furnace in the winter time, but as far as expense and functionality, a roof is critical for your home so my advice to you is to do it right but to pick a good roofer. Everything else will fall into place.
The type of shingle you pick will depend on where you live and your climate but the single most important decision you make is the contractor who installs it because if it is the best roof in the world, the $20,000 roof, it makes no difference if your roofers are not skilled or are horrible.
J&K Roofing came highly recommend by our realtor who has not failed us much in the past with his recommendations on contractors. J&K Roofing Company has been in business in Colorado since the '80s and they repaired our roof when we first moved in too. However, we made the mistake of signing a contract and going under proposal before we saw other jobs in our neighborhood. We should have watched and waited - granted, the mortgage company had our check and was hounding us to get repairs done but a little waiting and watching would have served us well. In our neighborhood, well over 20 new roofs have been put in because of the recent hail storm and many more will get done in the spring and summer but I know we needed to get under contract to get the ball rolling with our mortgage company. In any case, we went under contract with J&K around August 20, 2009 with a request date to have the roof done by September 30, 2009. As you can guess September 30 and October 30 came and went and we had no roof replacement. That should have been another big sign and we should have terminated our contract with them but I called their main office because I had child care issues after November 14 and I was guaranteed that it would be done by November 14. The date we were scheduled for was November 10 and that day arrived - the day of reckoning. The sales guy who came out to sell me the roof and show me the colors was no where in sight. He said he would be. Nope - just a crew of Hispanics and what seemed like just 2 guys on Day 1 of the roof - not much was done indeed. In fact, I was told by J&K, both salesmen, Nick and Chris, that the roof would be done in 1-day. It was not! The foreman on sight told me the salepeople just say that and that this would be a 2-day job or even three! I was losing my head because as you know it is tough to get daycare for your children especially if they are stay-at-home. By Day 1, the skeleton crew had done NOTHING - I mean, nothing - maybe ripped some of the existing wood shake roof off and thus began Day 2 on Veteran's Day. It was loud but I thought for sure they'd be done on Day 2.... after all, they had told me ONE DAY. There was no differing site condition, no unusual construction circumstances or bad weather. There were five guys on the job this time and by the end of Day 2 they had some of the new roof up, and most (but not all) of the old roof off.
Day 3 began and unfortunately, my infant daughter remained at home with all the hammering and all that fun! I was told by the salesman who had never physically shown up to the site that it would be done by noon on Day 3. Noon came and went. The roof was not done. The crew worked the longest on this day and after dark, was still cleaning --- of course, the yard was covered with nails, roofing material, and debris. Our new egress window covers were scratched. Oh, did I mention they had damaged our gutter when backing up into our driveway? So they had to replace that too. Yeah, what fun this roofing job has been for us! Day 3 was nearing the 4pm hour and I was concerned they would not finish but it was "substantially complete". On Day 4, they showed up and eye-picked the nails in my yard instead of running a magnet as they should have so, now my backyard is covered with snow and they will have to return after the big melt. They left a piece of plywood dangling in my tree, did not clean my neighbor's yards where there was plenty of debris, and essentially left my yard full of nails. Even when I walked through with the salesman - the one who was supposed to be there when the job started and daily but failed to show, we picked up over 20 nails just in that walk and does not include the backyard where all the snow was!
I was appalled at how things were handled by J&K roofing, Colorado. They had come highly recommended and all I can say is - do not hire them! The worst part is that on Thanksgiving day, two guys returned with a magnet but the backyard was covered. The guy immediately when I opened the door was unprofessional and yelling at me about where the trash was. I told him (but I doubt he understood) that there was some roofing material hanging from the backyard gutter and the yard (both front and back) needed to have a magnet run through it. He basically yelled at me and made me feel bad for trying to get the job done and showing me what he pulled. I plan on writing a letter to J&K main office when I send them the first payment. I will withhold the second payment until they come and clean the backyard but I am going to request they not send the man that was on the job because he was an asshole - a complete dick wad. He comes to my house on Thanksgiving and treats me like I did something wrong- Are you fucking kidding me, J&K?
The best advice I can give you out there if you are looking for a roofer in Colorado or anywhere else is do your homework, talk with your neighbors, get their advice, but most importantly, watch their roofs go up and go with a company who appears professional in every way, that visit the job site after they complete the job and inspect and are thorough, that clean well, and keep the yard and personal property clean and scratch-free, but most importantly, go with a company that treats you with respect because remember, when things go wrong with your roof and you need to call in your warranty, you want a company who will respond and send people who are professional, courteous, and do the job right and efficiently. J&K Roofing is anything but all of the above in my most recent experience. If you have any questions, post a question here and I can tell you other companies in our area who are doing a good job or that I have heard GREAT things about.
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Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
To homeschool or not?
Ever since my toddler started daycare again and I realized how much I freak out at the thought of someone else caring for my child, giving her direction, and teaching her things I may not want her to learn, I have discovered that I am true control freak. For the control freak, I think it is a good idea to home school if the parent can do it. It is not like the child is isolated in home schooling but an entire network is at your disposal - a network of parents, a network of kids, and of course, a wealth of experience and knowledge.
Homeschooling is not what it used to be but rather, so much better as a result of the Internet and other technology. For example, you register that you are homeschooling and your child's age, and a sample curriculum is sent to you and you can connect with others who are doing the same in the same age group and then, the child is not isolated and can learn social skills too. Of course, it is my belief that no matter how the child learns or where, alot is up to the child too. A child who wants to excel will and a child who does not, will not - no matter what environment they are in.
In any case, I will not be homeschooling anytime soon -- it is not something I am good at and I am not sure I am ready to give up my professional job and income but I think it is a great idea and certainly a great way to control your child's educational future and ensure that you are not always at odds with the school's philosophy and principles. It is a great way to teach your child, spend time with him or her, and have control over the situation as well.
Homeschooling is not what it used to be but rather, so much better as a result of the Internet and other technology. For example, you register that you are homeschooling and your child's age, and a sample curriculum is sent to you and you can connect with others who are doing the same in the same age group and then, the child is not isolated and can learn social skills too. Of course, it is my belief that no matter how the child learns or where, alot is up to the child too. A child who wants to excel will and a child who does not, will not - no matter what environment they are in.
In any case, I will not be homeschooling anytime soon -- it is not something I am good at and I am not sure I am ready to give up my professional job and income but I think it is a great idea and certainly a great way to control your child's educational future and ensure that you are not always at odds with the school's philosophy and principles. It is a great way to teach your child, spend time with him or her, and have control over the situation as well.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Communication Gaffes or Gap?
We recently enrolled our toddler daughter in early preschool at Primrose. If you know about Primrose, it is supposed to be a premier school-type environment with excellent curriculum and teachers. Our daughter has finished her first week now at Primrose, and I am not that impressed thus far. Let's face it, at 2 and some change, she is in daycare and not school so all we have is the daily reports that they provide to parents. On the first day, I called every 2 to 3 hours, and so I knew kinda sorta that she did not sleep much on the first day and that she did not eat much either. So, the only report we got home is the potty training and diapering and how that was going. The 2nd day she went was a whole nother story. Other than lunch (only because my husband went to eat lunch with her), I had no idea what she did all day as far as diapering, potty, eating/drinking, or napping. So I had no idea what to do with her at home as far as whether to put her to sleep early or so on. I was quite surprised to see that the sheet with her name and time of arrival on it came home to me -blank!
This communication gap combined with a couple of other communicate gaffes made me question whether we had our daughter at the right "school" especially considering we are paying about $50 more per week for her attend this school. Adding that up, it is about $200 a month which is a lot considering I have not seen what this premium is getting us right now. It seems like maybe their older children programs like preschool and kindergarten may be better because curriculum matters at these ages but right now, it is a souped up day care and nothing more. Right now, the goal is playing with others nicely, learning basics, potty training, and learning how to follow simple orders. In any case, there were a couple of other communicate gaffes too. For example, miscommunication on procedures and policies and events. So, in toto, if you look at all the evidence thus far, I am not too impressed with Primrose but of course, I am planning to give it at least a month before I make a decision on whether to continue her or not.
This communication gap combined with a couple of other communicate gaffes made me question whether we had our daughter at the right "school" especially considering we are paying about $50 more per week for her attend this school. Adding that up, it is about $200 a month which is a lot considering I have not seen what this premium is getting us right now. It seems like maybe their older children programs like preschool and kindergarten may be better because curriculum matters at these ages but right now, it is a souped up day care and nothing more. Right now, the goal is playing with others nicely, learning basics, potty training, and learning how to follow simple orders. In any case, there were a couple of other communicate gaffes too. For example, miscommunication on procedures and policies and events. So, in toto, if you look at all the evidence thus far, I am not too impressed with Primrose but of course, I am planning to give it at least a month before I make a decision on whether to continue her or not.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Longest Day
I am sure you have heard about the movie, The Longest Day. It is a film which is about the D-Day invasions. The movie is about one of the longest days in military and aviation history - its successes and failures. Well, I can say that today I had one of my longest days as a parent of a toddler who started at a new school. From the moment she woke up today I knew it was D-Day for her and while she probably did not feel that way, I sure did. Off she went to her first day at early preschool. There is a super expensive school in our area called Primrose, and my daughter started there today for two days a week. Almost 30 months old, my daughter, we felt, needed kid interaction and some learning other than just hanging out at home.
It was one the longest days I have had in some time and time could not move any slower- tick tock, it was only 9am when I first called. She was sitting in a corner and crying for mom and dad. They refused to give her her comfort item - the one thing she knows of- her pacifier. Of course, I did not know this then but found out as I unraveled the events of the day and started piecing the puzzle together. She did not eat food as they let on, on the phone, and did not sleep more than 40 minutes for a nap most likely cause she did not have her pacifier for comfort. In any case, I did not unravel all of the successes and failures of this longest day until well into the nighttime hour. By this time, it was too late to call the school and have a "talk" with them. But, rest assured, I will be doing so tomorrow and the next day until my longest days turn into shorter days and I can be at peace with her attending this strange new school.
I know her first day of school is nothing compared to the D-Day-Normandy invasions and the successes and failures there, but for some reason, as a mother, I felt today that they were and I felt there were insurmountable obstacles as she faced this new day and new adventure. Those obstacles were those I created in my mind including the uncontrollable feeling that one day I will have to let go as she makes her choices in this world.... what a day indeed!
It was one the longest days I have had in some time and time could not move any slower- tick tock, it was only 9am when I first called. She was sitting in a corner and crying for mom and dad. They refused to give her her comfort item - the one thing she knows of- her pacifier. Of course, I did not know this then but found out as I unraveled the events of the day and started piecing the puzzle together. She did not eat food as they let on, on the phone, and did not sleep more than 40 minutes for a nap most likely cause she did not have her pacifier for comfort. In any case, I did not unravel all of the successes and failures of this longest day until well into the nighttime hour. By this time, it was too late to call the school and have a "talk" with them. But, rest assured, I will be doing so tomorrow and the next day until my longest days turn into shorter days and I can be at peace with her attending this strange new school.
I know her first day of school is nothing compared to the D-Day-Normandy invasions and the successes and failures there, but for some reason, as a mother, I felt today that they were and I felt there were insurmountable obstacles as she faced this new day and new adventure. Those obstacles were those I created in my mind including the uncontrollable feeling that one day I will have to let go as she makes her choices in this world.... what a day indeed!
Sunday, November 15, 2009

By sheer luck, I scored two tickets to go see the Broadway musical Wicked on tour in Denver. I got quite lucky because when I realized I wanted to go and started to look for tickets, it was already sold out. They were doing a lottery for each showing 2.5 hours before each showing but what a pain and of course, you'd have to wait and get there early. As a nursing and working mom, I really do not have spare time to go and wait and a long line just to find out my name was not picked from a barrel of 150 names. So, as the final weekend of the show came, I accepted my fate and realized I would have to just catch it another time.
On the Friday of the final weekend, just by luck a co-worker mentioned someone in the office was sick and wanted to get rid of their ticket for less than face value. Imagine my luck! I got one ticket when another co-worker also felt ill and could not go along so I ended up scoring two tickets. I could not believe it! In any case, I was excited and saw Wicked on Friday November 13, in Denver at the Buell Theater.
The evening was cold and rainy but cleared up and turned out to be cold - a wicked evening. It is the untold story of the Witches of Oz. If you have seen the Wizard of Oz, and know the story, you will definitely enjoy Wicked. It was very well done with set props that rival large productions and a plot that is well thought out and flows very well. We were sitting in Mezzanine level and had a great view and with binoculars, I caught a peek at all the main characters. I had a great time and was really glad I got to attend. If it comes to a theater in your town, I highly recommend this musical production. As far as musicals go, I have seen Chicago, Bollywood Dreams, Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Mamma Mia and Phantom of the Opera, and I was happy to finally see Wicked!
The longest Baby Shower ... EVER!
I do not get the opportunity to attend too many baby showers - mainly because most of my friends are single and not having children. If they do have children, they are most likely done. Last night, I had the opportunity to attend an Indian baby shower and they are certainly not the normal baby showers - they, like Indian weddings, are a family affair. All members of the family are invited and everyone gets to participate. And like most Indian events, there is tons of food- so much so that they have to roll you out.
In any case, this shower I thought was well organized but a little long for me. The start time was 6pm and we did not get home until 11pm so you can imagine how long it was. Like most Indian events, this one probably ran on Indian Standard Time (IST) and therefore, most likely started at 630pm or closer to 7pm. We had really bad weather last night so it took us almost an hour to get there and we did not arrive til close to 730pm which is probably good because they did not cut the cake until almost 845pm! Of course, that meant we ate good, spicy food after 9pm. For me, that is rather late. I usually eat dinner on weekdays and most days between 530 and 730 pm. Anything after 8pm, is late as far as I am concerned. The kids were getting restless too - you could tell as the volume went up and screaming slowly increased.
The shower was well done and the food and desserts were amazing. The only thing annoying was the games and the shower program. There were tons of games - too many almost. As my sister in law calls it, "death by baby shower". One particular game seemed like a family game where people guessed who did what as an infant/toddler or child. And, other than family, no one really knew or could even guess whether it was the mother-to-be or father-to-be that committed the misdeed as a child. That game did me in. But there were other games too and entertainment and songs too. We ended with the kids singing nursery rhymes to the parents to be and I have to say, that was the shortest part of the entire program and quite cute.
All in all, it was a good time but having had two baby showers myself, I realized how long and grueling these events really could be.
In any case, this shower I thought was well organized but a little long for me. The start time was 6pm and we did not get home until 11pm so you can imagine how long it was. Like most Indian events, this one probably ran on Indian Standard Time (IST) and therefore, most likely started at 630pm or closer to 7pm. We had really bad weather last night so it took us almost an hour to get there and we did not arrive til close to 730pm which is probably good because they did not cut the cake until almost 845pm! Of course, that meant we ate good, spicy food after 9pm. For me, that is rather late. I usually eat dinner on weekdays and most days between 530 and 730 pm. Anything after 8pm, is late as far as I am concerned. The kids were getting restless too - you could tell as the volume went up and screaming slowly increased.
The shower was well done and the food and desserts were amazing. The only thing annoying was the games and the shower program. There were tons of games - too many almost. As my sister in law calls it, "death by baby shower". One particular game seemed like a family game where people guessed who did what as an infant/toddler or child. And, other than family, no one really knew or could even guess whether it was the mother-to-be or father-to-be that committed the misdeed as a child. That game did me in. But there were other games too and entertainment and songs too. We ended with the kids singing nursery rhymes to the parents to be and I have to say, that was the shortest part of the entire program and quite cute.
All in all, it was a good time but having had two baby showers myself, I realized how long and grueling these events really could be.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Real-Life Assman
If you have watched Seinfeld, you are all too familiar with the antics of the show and the episode where Kramer gets the wrong license plate. He gets the personalized license plate of a proctologist and is able to park in a doctor’s parking spot and enjoy other perks until the real ASSMAN finds out there was a mix-up at the DMV and Kramer gleefully returns the plate, sharing a few antics and laughs with the Proctologist. “There’s a one in a million chance, doc- one in a million.” In any case, in real life, since natural childbirth, I have had some interesting issues in that department – mainly the pelvic floor, the perineum area (which tears or is given an episiotomy). In any case, I have been seeking care for my issues since before pregnancy but of course, child birth exacerbated the issues even more.
So, I have had the pleasure of visiting some doctors who specialize in the rectal area and with that, comes all the joy and pains associated with that area of your body. In any case, it has been quite the experience. There are always long waits associated with meeting these docs and at the end of the long wait, unlike a long line at Disneyworld, there is not joy and amazement and exhilaration but rather, just pain and a big fat bill for the treatment you received. The waiting room for Colon, Rectal doctors is often crowded. Today was no different – what do you say to the guy who just walked in and said hello to you? It is odd- we are both there for very private and strange issues. You look around and you see young, old, middle-aged individuals – male and female and you think, wow! This is a hot industry. In any case, it is always embarrassing and you hope you do not see someone you knew. Can you imagine running into an ex-boyfriend at the butt doctor’s? ARGH!
Then, at your first visit, the med tech often takes you in and talks with you about what is about to happen – as if waiting in the waiting room for 30 minutes was not bad enough, now I am being lectured to about my ass by a technician who is probably going to laugh about this later. Then, you wait again and again… until finally he or she appears- the real-life ASSMAN. It is quite the experience and I think to work in that industry, you have to have a sense of humor. This particular experience was interesting – there was something new- I had to wear MOON pants. They are these little short like things that open with a flap in the back – okay, come on! Really? Just forget it – do not waste money on these paper moon pants – I mean, come on, as if it was not humiliating enough that I have to lay on my side and have instruments put up there. Any way- they were cute and if I had a larger purse, I would have taken a pair home to show my hubby – new, unused ones, not the ones they used in the exam- ewww! Anyway, after a few minutes of humiliating it is over, and you just hope relief is in sight. Ah, the joys of childbirth !
So, I have had the pleasure of visiting some doctors who specialize in the rectal area and with that, comes all the joy and pains associated with that area of your body. In any case, it has been quite the experience. There are always long waits associated with meeting these docs and at the end of the long wait, unlike a long line at Disneyworld, there is not joy and amazement and exhilaration but rather, just pain and a big fat bill for the treatment you received. The waiting room for Colon, Rectal doctors is often crowded. Today was no different – what do you say to the guy who just walked in and said hello to you? It is odd- we are both there for very private and strange issues. You look around and you see young, old, middle-aged individuals – male and female and you think, wow! This is a hot industry. In any case, it is always embarrassing and you hope you do not see someone you knew. Can you imagine running into an ex-boyfriend at the butt doctor’s? ARGH!
Then, at your first visit, the med tech often takes you in and talks with you about what is about to happen – as if waiting in the waiting room for 30 minutes was not bad enough, now I am being lectured to about my ass by a technician who is probably going to laugh about this later. Then, you wait again and again… until finally he or she appears- the real-life ASSMAN. It is quite the experience and I think to work in that industry, you have to have a sense of humor. This particular experience was interesting – there was something new- I had to wear MOON pants. They are these little short like things that open with a flap in the back – okay, come on! Really? Just forget it – do not waste money on these paper moon pants – I mean, come on, as if it was not humiliating enough that I have to lay on my side and have instruments put up there. Any way- they were cute and if I had a larger purse, I would have taken a pair home to show my hubby – new, unused ones, not the ones they used in the exam- ewww! Anyway, after a few minutes of humiliating it is over, and you just hope relief is in sight. Ah, the joys of childbirth !
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