By sheer luck, I scored two tickets to go see the Broadway musical Wicked on tour in Denver. I got quite lucky because when I realized I wanted to go and started to look for tickets, it was already sold out. They were doing a lottery for each showing 2.5 hours before each showing but what a pain and of course, you'd have to wait and get there early. As a nursing and working mom, I really do not have spare time to go and wait and a long line just to find out my name was not picked from a barrel of 150 names. So, as the final weekend of the show came, I accepted my fate and realized I would have to just catch it another time.
On the Friday of the final weekend, just by luck a co-worker mentioned someone in the office was sick and wanted to get rid of their ticket for less than face value. Imagine my luck! I got one ticket when another co-worker also felt ill and could not go along so I ended up scoring two tickets. I could not believe it! In any case, I was excited and saw Wicked on Friday November 13, in Denver at the Buell Theater.
The evening was cold and rainy but cleared up and turned out to be cold - a wicked evening. It is the untold story of the Witches of Oz. If you have seen the Wizard of Oz, and know the story, you will definitely enjoy Wicked. It was very well done with set props that rival large productions and a plot that is well thought out and flows very well. We were sitting in Mezzanine level and had a great view and with binoculars, I caught a peek at all the main characters. I had a great time and was really glad I got to attend. If it comes to a theater in your town, I highly recommend this musical production. As far as musicals go, I have seen Chicago, Bollywood Dreams, Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Mamma Mia and Phantom of the Opera, and I was happy to finally see Wicked!