Apparently, movies in 3D are making a come back. I finally got to see the movie, Avatar. I was waiting a long time. This is a movie you must see in the theater to really appreciate it. In retrospect, even IMAX would have been better than 3D but a bit more pricey I think.
Anyway, I saw Avatar yesterday and it was a good movie. It is a little "touchy, feely" and the message is hokie but I gotta say, it was good. It was about how corporations and the Government, primarily military, are really not respectful of land, water, and/or natural resources. It is a good concept but what I really enjoyed was all the special effects and watching it in 3D was neat.
For the previews, and there were tons, there are three movies coming up in 3D - Shrek (the final one we think), Alice in Wonderland, and another Disney movie too. It is hard to believe that 3D is making such a big comeback and at $13.00 a ticket for an evening show, what is quite the entertainment. We paid $9.00 per ticket for a 5pm matinee show with a military discount. In any case, I definitely recommend seeing Avatar on the big screen, and don't forget your 3D glasses from the movie counter!