Okay, I have to say - I loved the movie,Sex and the City 2! I am not sure why it got bad reviews other than the fact that people had very high expectations of this movie. And I am not sure why you would have high expectations of a movie, which like the original HBO Series, lived exactly up to expectations.
For example, in the Series, like in the movie, it is about the GIRLS- it is about their ever changing lives and about their adventures. This movie was all about that. Sure, they went to the Middle East instead of Europe on a vacation. I would not enjoy that vacation being of South Asian descent but in the movie, they portray the glitz and glamour of the Middle East along with the issues. I thought it was a perfect venue to take "Sex and the City" to the edge and yes, push the envelope they did. From the outfits to the public display of affection in a closed society, to Samantha's condom-filled purse.... what a hoot! I enjoyed the movie and while it maybe was not true to life, it was not supposed to be- it is supposed to be a 2.5 hour escape for most of the target audience, and it delivers!
I would have liked to have seen more of the guys - like Steve and Harry but we saw a lot of Mr. Big, and Aidan makes his big return too. All in all, I thought the movie delivered what it promised - entertainment, adventure, and of course, the GIRLS! I am not sure why it got bad reviews because I enjoyed the 2.5 hours I was with my girlfriends watching it. Were some parts over the top? Of course! But that is SATC so come on folks - lighten up, keep an open mind, sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie.