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Monday, August 23, 2010

Comcast Sucks in Denver- what do you think?

When it comes to Comcast in Denver I have NEVER - I mean NEVER had good luck getting a good technical representative or anyone for that matter to help me.  I only seem to have good luck reaching them when I want to buy something or add service.  Lately I have been thinking of completely removing cable and going dish - of course, I read all the horror stories with Dish and Direct TV and wonder why cable companies like Comcast have monopolies over such a service.  Shouldn't this be competed out? 

Today I called three separate times because the download speed I pay for is not the one I am getting at home- go figure!  What suffers? My voice over IP (voip) along with Internet speeds.  It is a frigging nightmare and what happens when I call Comcast?  NOTHING!  I am beyond frustrated with Comcast and their illiterate customer service reps.  I can only hope they improve or there is another way soon -- because honestly, it seems wrong to "settle" for a service simply because its the only game in town.  So frustrating!  If you have suggestions on how to get cable or TV service without dealing with Comcast, please do share.  Or, alternatively tell me what you've done with Comcast to maybe "make the relationship work?"  Thanks!