courtesy of everythingscary.com |
Halloween is one of those seasonal holidays that can spook even the most perfect moms. You can be the best mommy in the world but yet Halloween can be daunting and terrifying. And I’m not even talking about the ghosts and goblins and ghoulish costumes that can be seen this time of year. I’m talking about the proverbial, yearly worry that starts sometime in August and goes until about October 28th: What will I dress up my kids up as this year? What are they going to be this year?
If you’re a parent, you know you struggle yearly with this made-up little holiday where custom requires your kids to dress up – at school, at your office party, at a friend’s house party, and then again on Halloween night to go door to door. Everyone’s watching, waiting, and judging…. “what will her kids be this year?” And the worst part is that once you have a great costume one year, you have to come up with an even better idea the next year. No joke! It’s a competitive mom’s worst nightmare! She has to out-do her colleagues at work, her friends on the block, and definitely cannot be outdone at the kids’ school - now that would be bad! So, the stress sets in sometime in September and by October 22, if there is no costume idea or purchase in the works, some moms may even experience severe stress.
Last year was easy, my kids dressed up as Dora and Boots- my little one was only 8 months old and the older one barely knew who Dora was. So, it was easy. Getting creative on my costume though every year has gotten progressively harder. Last year, my husband had a great idea and made my costume. You can see it in the picture to the left. Yes, I was an ARRA-cone or construction cone funded by the Recovery Act (stimulus funds). Being in the construction law arena, this was hilarious to my colleagues. No one in my neighborhood got it though. In previous years I was an 8 Ball because I was pregnant and before that, I was a flower and my little one a bumble bee. I was nursing then - how appropriate. Before I had kids, I was once a TSA officer- I even had my own wand to scan people! If my office didn't have such great Halloween parties at the office, I wouldn't even bother to dress up. But alas, I work in an office that boasts nice social events and promotes morale. Just great!
This year, I was able to make a stop at a thrift shop (ARC in Lakewood, Colorado on Colfax Blvd) to get ideas and mainly to scrounge what I could for the kids’ costumes and mine. I think we are well on our way to looking cute enough but still I wonder… what will others come up? Will our outfits be okay? What will the other kids at my child’s school be wearing? Will I be cool mommy or bad mommy? Well, I guess we will find out – all I know is that Halloween is scary for moms and parents in general --- it is spooooooky, not because of the decorations or the scary things associated with it, but because of this arduous task of having to find a costume not just for yourself but for your kids as well. Often, the kids need to match or there is some family theme. Oh good lord! In a month when mommies are doing so much and also trying to figure out what the Ballot measures and initiatives are, come on! Do we need all this pressure? Well, stay tuned for our Halloween pictures and review of the thrift stores in the area.