Office Party - Clowns, Tears, and more Tears!
So my office had its yearly Halloween party for kids. Of course, my little one was having a meltdown. All she wanted to do was eat all the candy. She did not want to go office to office to trick or treat. Maybe I should have done more to prepare her. But, both kids were just so excited to see baskets of candy and goodies lined up in the hallway they could hardly contain themselves or bring themselves to eat -- anything but candy, that is! My little one was melting down at every juncture- there was the candy incident (this happened three or four times), the cantaloupe incident and the tomato incident. All of them were quite unnerving for me because at the time they occurred, I felt like all eyes were on me even though other kids were there. Of course, when one kid cries, it seems all the others stop and stare and start behaving. Mine was the one crying. :(

The clown outfit - bad idea. Bad! Great in theory, not in execution. The giant clown tie lasted longer than the rainbow colored wigs. On my 20-month old, the wig would not stay on more than a split second. My 3 year old kept hers on for about 10 minutes before she said it irritated her head. So, for most of the party, my kids looked like they were just wearing pajamas with polka dots and flowers on them. Nice! The clown car (the prop extraordinaire) is the only thing that lasted. You can see it in the picture. When they get older, maybe separate pieces work but not when they're under the age of 5. My costume was the best of all because I am convinced now that I am in the wrong profession- for the comfort of the clothes alone, I should be a doctor. Ha! The long hours are not good nor the holding your hand still so you don't cut the wrong piece out, but hey, the scrubs are quite comfortable. Being an ordinary doctor is always fun but being Dr. Sanjay Gupta was a blast!
The School Costume Parade & Halloween partiesWe had a blast with the girls' school costume parade and parties. The girls dressed up nicely at their school and pre-made, easy to put on costumes were the trick. The Ladybug and the Pilot did quite well in their school parties and all the kids were so adorable. Cute Fest 2010 was fun for us and we videotaped the entire thing. I have to say, that as a parent, I do not get to attend too many things at my daughter's school and going to these things helps us meet the other parents and see how our kids are doing in their respective classrooms. I'm a big proponent of being involved in my child's life and a big part of that is being involved in their schools. I hope I can do that when they start grade school and beyond.
Boorito at Chipotle 2010 and Halloween Night- Simply fun!

We ditched the clown costumes and the girls kept their same outfits from their school parade for Halloween night. It worked out great! Of course, it's a family tradition to do
Boorito at Chipotle and this year was no different. Okay, well, a little different. This year's theme was to dress up as processed food and the Burritos were $2 with proceeds going to some Food Revolution. That's fine. I'm okay donating money but the fun part is always seeing the other costumes and having people see yours. This year, we walked in, there was no line around the block, and we ordered and left. There were not that many in costume in the restaurant. It was odd and a bit disappointing but as a family we had a blast nonetheless. The girls were chicken nuggets. One was dipped in honey mustard, the other in ketchup, and my husband made a fries cape. It was adorable. I used my costume from last year and went as a swirly milkshake. I wanted to eat my husband's cape and drink myself. Yum!
In any case, Halloween ended, delivering a little more stress than anticipated especially on the costumes front. Finally, we can all use November to de-stress, get some exercise, and lose weight.... until.... of course, Thanksgiving! Oy!