I recently received my second new high-tech toy for the year- my new laptop computer- the Dell XPS M1330. Nice! Sleek and quite cool but of course, it was loaded with Windows Vista. It is day 2 and I have not learned all the features of this great machine much less how to operate in a new environment but of course, I have software and other items I need to install on it. One cool thing I learned as I tried to install my printer this morning is that you do not necessarily need the original CDs to install something. For example, I did a search for computers and it automatically detected my wireless HP 7400 series printer. Boom! Installed! The CDs were created when Windows XP was out and are not compatible anyway.
Although the XPS I have came with a pre-installed webcam, the resolution is not that great and with my daughter moving all over creation, it helps to have one that pivots and moves with her, so I needed to install the Logitech webcam and sure enough, within 2 or 3 minutes of installing it, it was recognized and operational but the software was missing. I was not about to look for the CD. No need. I got on the logitech website and downloaded the software and boom! Seconds later, I am able to adjust the webcam and now the grandparents can webcam it tonight with the grandbaby.
I was also able to install Office 2003 suite which we purchased sometime ago. I was nervous about installing Office 2003 on Windows Vista because I have heard of compatibility issues but I had no problems and was able to quickly obtain the Office 2003 Service Pack 3 as well.
No CD has worked so far. For example, my canon Power Shot SD 400's discs are not compatible and there is no Vista update available on line so the software does not work. But to alleviate this "small" problem, the greatest feature is that I can remove the memory card from the Canon and insert it into the computer and boom! I can download the pics and video directly. So, for every time I get frustrated, there is an alternate solution. I was able to install software for our JVC Everio but will it work? That is a whole 'nother question. So far, I have no idea if any of the software will work. Windows has not shut down properly yet which is obviously a problem ... but I soldier on. You think that it would be very simple and compatible because all of our existing computers at home are Dells - of course, they have XP. So, I am worried as this process progresses. I have 14 days I suppose to figure out if this is for me and whether I am really compatible with this expensive, new toy of mine.