In Spring and Winter when you are cleaning out and organizing your closet, the general rule is if you have not worn it in the previous season, get rid of it. It helps prevent clutter, and allows you to organize your closet twice a year as seasons change too. Also, it helps you to realize what you have and what you do not so you can shop for items that will fit.
After almost 3 years of having the same cell phone, I got a new one yesterday. I kept my same number and company and just upgraded the phone. What a difference a phone makes! I am eager to go purchase accessories for my new toy. I was up pretty late playing with my toy too. It was a lot of fun but I cannot believe I chose to stay up and play with the phone instead of sleeping while my infant daughter slept quite comfortably. Anyway, it is fun and I am enjoying it. But here is what took so much time last night. Essentially, I had to transfer the contacts from my old phone (from the SIM Card) to the new phone so I had to transfer each contact one by one because there was no feature permitting me to do it all at once. What a pain! So, I had to sit there and go through each contact. While I did this, I had opportunity to take inventory of the contact. For example, let’s just call her TINA. I had a number for a woman named TINA and I had no idea who TINA was. I looked at the number, looked up from the phone and tried to walk down memory lane but alas, I had no idea who TINA was. So I decided not to transfer her. In essence, I tossed her because if I knew who TINA was, I would not be struggling to figure out who she was. Other contacts were easier, HUSBAND’s CELL, MOM AND DAD (both sets), and other great friends I had no hesitation with. Then, I ran across people who I had not heard from in 6 months or more and nor did I contact them. I had to debate harder on this. Do I hold on to their number, or do I move on? I mean, after all, if we were such good buds, wouldn’t I have heard from them in a year or more? One girl, we will call her KIM – coincidentally there was a Kim stored in there, and I had no idea who that was either- delete! Anyway, my “friend” KIM was invited to my baby shower a year ago. No word from her, not a gift or so much as a congrats so, I decided not to move KIM. It was time to let KIM go as well. And worse case scenario, if the person contacts me or emails me, I can always put them back in the phone right? Why clutter my new precious phone? Just like a spring and winter cleaning, I had to do something about these contacts I had stored in this phone for too long only to realize that the number was disconnected or belonged to someone new. Or in KIM’s case, belonged to someone who I was not sure I wanted to continue a friendship with. After all, as my previous blog on “EX FACTOR” indicated, I want relationships in my life that enrich me and add value to it, right? Delete!
So, I saved the contacts wanted to do and transferred them with ease. It was an interesting process and as I went through the names and made corrections to some of the names and numbers, I realized that a tech cleaning is just as necessary as a closet cleaning/organizing and if you can do it more than every 2 years, then more power to you. I am going to realize soon that tech cleaning can be rewarding as I enjoy my new phone but around the corner a huge tech cleaning awaits me as I face the dilemma of cleaning out my laptop computer I have had for almost four years! So, when the one arrives, I will once again, stroll down memory lane…. Or in my case, clutter lane. Happy tech-cleaning!