My daughter turned one year old this past weekend and we hosted a party this past weekend. The party went off surprisingly well and everyone had a good time. I was so nervous that I had a stomach ache before the guests arrived - it was painful and an ironic tribute on my daughter’s one year birthday. I remember the labor pains like they were yesterday. It is amazing how fast a year went by being a parent.
In the end, we had a good time and while there was too much food and drink, I think the party went off great! Family was in town and we had a lot of people under one roof but I really enjoyed having them over. My younger sister-in-law had never visited us in Colorado since our wedding so that was a treat too but the real treat was seeing all the kids interact with each other.
For all the fatigue and late nights, I am glad the weekend went off so well - I am looking forward to sleeping one of these nights but ‘til I can do that, I soldier on!