I am writing this from the Portland International Airport as I get ready to head off back home to Denver. I was here for a conference and what a pleasant surprise this city is to me- it is quite a nice city - clean, medium-sized, and in the distant, not only can I see Mount Hood but rolling hills. The rivers are pretty neat - Columbia and Wilametta which dump into the Pacific Ocean. Really kinda neat. At the airport, when you land, you can see the gorgeous scenery and the greenery. As I know from my time in Europe, greenery means one thing: rain! Yes, the climate here is most like Seattle but warmer. Some parts of Portland from the air reminded me of Europe.
While I enjoyed my time in this city and the people here are very friendly, I cannot wait to get home and see my family- it feels like an eternity since I have seen my girl. Happy Trails to all!