I have really been watching this new phenomenon to LOVE Sarah Palin by women across this nation. I am all for women as President and Vice-President and definitely for women's rights but I am not sure she is the right woman for the job.
There are some very disturbing things about her record especially pro-life notwithstanding rape or incest. I wonder if Sarah Palin would change her tune if one of her daughters had to face that very difficult... choice! I wonder how Sarah Palin would feel if she stepped down from her $200/day per diem, home nanny, and other nice things to discover there is a world out there where some women cannot raise children without federal support or in the case of severe disabilities discovered by the 17th week of pregnancy, some women cannot raise special needs children. Maybe if Sarah Palin actually raised her special needs child, she would understand that it is not an easy job. Being on the road as much as she is, I do not think she gets it! Now, Now, as I said, I am a working mom and I support women. I do not question her abilities to lead our nation just because she is a mom or my personal belief that she should put family first but I do question her ability to lead because of her lack of experience, knowledge, and her judgment- I think she is someone who has shown repeated lack of judgment. How someone acts in their private life, the term the conservatives call "FAMILY VALUES" really says a lot of judgment and character of the person. While family values are so important to these righteous Christian conservatives, I have not seen Palin putting family first - despite leaking amniotic fluid and in labor, she took an 8-hour flight to Alaska. Selfish! Despite giving birth to a child on day 1, she returns to work on day 3. Those are not family values. Despite her son going off to Iraq, she continues to put the campaign first instead of remaining with the other children right now.
It is nice that her daughter got a choice in what to do with her future. I was happy to see that she was fortunate enough to make some "choices" with her reproductive rights. Not all women will get that if Palin and McCain take to Washington. It is a shame really because as a woman she should support a woman's reproductive rights but far from that, Palin does not even know the science of it all!
I want a woman in office who can make REAL CHANGE for women, science, reproductive rights, breast cancer research, and who can make a real impact for working moms- paid maternity leave from employers - that should be on the agenda... not "how to ignore your kid and return to work early." That is not someone I would consider a role model for women. Palin is not someone I would have my daughter aspire to grow up and be like other than sitting in a nice cushy leadership position that she has no business being in the running for to begin with. I want to see more than special needs children initiatives in Washington - REAL CHANGE would mean equal pay for equal work. REAL CHANGE would mean protection of the working mom and her right - not priviledge - HER RIGHT to put her family first especially for the first 12-16 weeks of that child's life. I want REAL CHANGE in science and technology and support of programs so that one day there is a cure and not a "race for the cure". I hear nothing from Palin on these issues. All I hear is "I am a hockey mom and I do not know much." Well, really? Because I am not sure you can drive your kid to hockey practice much less attend a game these days. All I hear is "I stopped a bridge to nowhere." Yes, but you took the money to get it started didn't you? All I hear is "I am a reformer and a Maverick especially when it comes to ethics." Where were your ethics when you hid your pregnancy for 7 months from family, friends, and your constituency?
You're damn right - I am an angry working mom who works hard, plays hard, and all the while, tries to balance work and home but my family comes first... those are true family values. I am a woman who fights THE MAN Daily in my job and do not get handouts- I often do not get recognized for the hard work I do because I am a woman who has a family THAT COMES FIRST!!!! I am angry at the women out there who were going to vote for Clinton and are now going to vote for McCain simply because he picked Palin - she is not Clinton - you better read the facts. Just because she is a woman does not mean she will fight for your rights in D.C. If anything, she is the complete opposite of Clinton. You better read the facts before you get another 4-8 years of what we are dealing with now and if you think you have a friend in her because she is your "everyday, run of the mill mom" think again! I think in the case of election someone for President, you have to look at more than just gender, more than just race; you have to look at what kind of person you are electing and whether they really are who they say are. In the case of Palin, I'd really like to see her put the PUCK where her mouth is - I have not seen that yet.
Stop listening to the media, stop listening to your flaky neighbor or co-worker - Get the REAL facts on all candidates and the issues:
Be proactive and take a stand --- don't vote for McCain just because he picked a woman! Get to know all the candidates before you make such an important decision in November.