So I had to have an emergency root canal today and it was not fun. What medical or dental procedure is, really? Anyway, harder than getting tooth work done is paying for it afterwards - I really miss being part of the Air Force where all dental care was covered. It is easy to forget how many benefits you got in the military. Needless to say, this procedure was not as bad as I expected and the worst of it was the initial needle for the anaesthetic and the drilling to get the temporary filling out.
Now, I am just trying to rest and get the feeling back in the left side of my mouth and smoothies, here I come! I think most people can expect to set aside about $2000a year for medical things like this and hopefully can use a flex health spending account. In the meantime, when you hear you have to pay $xxx for the pain you just experienced and will for the next few weeks, it really aches your wallet too! Keep flossing and brushing.