Yesterday, I sat at a light for 10 minutes longer than I should have - okay it was like 3 minutes because some yahoo in front of me decided to stop and watch two cops stopping a man in a pick-up truck from another direction of traffic altogether. He was watching so intently, he missed an entire light cycle. After missing said light cycle, this moron in front of me continued to look right towards the gas station where this guy was pulled over to watch the "drama" unfold. It was so unnerving to me. I could not believe that people could be so curious to begin with and that they would miss a light to just stare a little longer. Yes, the guy got pulled over. No one knows why but do you have to make him feel worse by staring for 6 minutes? Does that make your life feel better? I couldn't help but wonder why people were so fascinated with reality TV these days and others' lives. I was sure if the guy stared longer he'd have a crick in his neck.
Later that same evening, I picked up our daughter at daycare and was returning when I saw lights in the far right lane- shouldn't effect the fact that I am turning left, right? WRONG! This one lady was so concerned she stopped 4 car lengths behind the only car waiting to turn left, thereby blocking me. Then, almost missed the light as she looked to see what was going on. I beeped my horn because this was a light I did not want to sit at for 5 minutes with my daughter screaming for food in the back. She went, only to help me miss the next light. People will not stop to help someone in need but they sure will stop to see who is getting picked off by the police for going over the speed limit or having expired tags. It seems as our country faces more international concerns, terror abroad and at home, and economic crisis, people are just getting stupider. Yes, and this is the same populus that will elect our next leaders - SCARY SCARY STUFF!