Update after our trip was complete: The return trip turned out just as fine as the trip here only our bags took like 20 minutes AFTER we reached baggage claim in Denver to arrive. That was a real downer to our trip but other than this one hiccup, it was smooth flying- everything was on time or early - except for the bags of course. In any case, thanks, Delta, for making travels a little easier!
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I have not flown
Delta Airlines in many years mainly because Delta does not have many direct flights out from Denver to the destinations we go to. Also, when I travel for work, it tends to be United (argh), or Frontier (argh again). Anyway, other than Southwest Airlines, I do not like travelling with my kiddos on any other airlines. Well, we took a chance and flew Delta Airlines to Virginia to see my folks. I was flying solo with the girls, one of whom is not a good traveller and under two. I was nervous beyond belief. In fact, I was so terrified, I made myself sick before the trip. As a mommy travelling solo with two young kids, you kinda know how your kids will react and how you are as a person. Those are the knowns. What is the unknown is what the airlines will throw your way. This is the biggest angst for most travellers. Will my flight be cancelled? Will I get stuck in a city I am connecting in? What will happen to my luggage? More importantly, though, will I be treated with worth and dignity? It is this last question which causes the most angst among travellers especially parents travelling with young kids.
Yesterday I flew two legs with Delta Airlines. I have to say, every employee I encountered, from the check-in process to the flight attendant down to the pilot, what an amazing group of people! Where
Frontier airlines completely failed my last trip with the girls, Delta far exceeded. I was never once told that I had an economy ticket so I deserve to be treated like.... I was never once told that I should have booked a higher fare or Classic Plus ticket.... instead, this airline, even though I was separated from my daughter in seating, automatically moved me and when I boarded we were sitting together! This airline, even though I never asked on my second leg, offered me seats together by figuring it out on their own! This airline warmed my daughter's milk for me and when I pushed the flight attendant call button, actually came and did not groan or sigh when I asked for something. IMAGINE THAT! This airline provided me free TV, not for a $6.00 charge on a $249 ticket. Imagine that! Free TV so my kids were occupied for the trip. We got free snacks on board with drinks just like we do on Southwest, and a flight attendant on my second leg, helped me carry my bags down the Jetway, helped me set up a stroller, and then let me get my sleeping daughter off last as a pilot watched my other daughter on the tarmac. Nice! Now, that's an airline for you! Instead of reminding me for the 10th time that I was on an
economy ticket (like Frontier Airlines), the pilot who was watching my daughter, kindly said, "mom, you're doing a great job!" Another flight attendant came out and helped us up a service elevator since we had landed and deplaned on the tarmac and there was no ramp up to the terminal. Now, that's service! Instead of being treated like a leper, this airline treated me like a human being with worth and dignity.
I'm a mommy and a hard working American and yet I fear travelling on an American airline because of how I may be treated. I fear no more, the choices are clear and with experience, comes wisdom.... well, I'm wising up- best airlines according to this mommy: Southwest and Delta! No United, No US Air, No American, and definitely not Frontier Airlines.... if you live in Denver, fly Southwest or Delta and take the fear and dread out of travelling!