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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Clueless? Why?

I started writing a "column" when I first moved to Colorado as a pseudo-journal to record my thoughts on being a single woman in her 30s moving from country to country, state to state with the U.S. military. Of course, being an attorney did not help either because this all intimidated a man and after 27, I realized how much more difficult it was to meet a man. As I began to record my thoughts, feelings, and dating experiences, I realized that I was completely clueless. Despite my level of education, and all of my experiences, it seemed there was always something new waiting around the corner for me. And just when I thought I knew it all, I began a new phase of my life - being engaged and committed to one man. That was not a destination but rather continues to be a journey and a whole new set of challenges emerged. Just when I thought I had enough excitement, my work life got even more exciting and challenging at the same time - through all of the challenges that this assignment would bring, I realized that I became a stronger person. I tell the students I teach that we learn more from negative experiences and bad bosses than from the good ones. I had no idea how true this was.

So, the goal of this blog is to let the reader decide - does life really begin at 30? It did for me. Several new chapters that is. I still claim to be clueless because I learn so much daily. But it never seems to prepare me for what is around the corner. How you look at it is up to you: Glass half empty or half full... it is all up to you! For me, I just know that life since I moved to Colorado has been a daily challenge, and yet more exciting than ever! Read on....