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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Anthony's Pizza and Pasta- Stapleton- they charge you for EVERYTHING!

We went to Stapleton yesterday to meet up with friends and we ate in their town center area which is quite nice.  But because the kids wanted pizza, we ate at Anthony's.  Since I have been on AF bases since the 1990s, I find Anthony's less than appealing - all the bases have them because of the AAFES concession contracts --- blah!  Bring something else I say.  In any case, we ate at Anthony's and ordered an entire 18 inch pie for approx. $16.00.  That was fine but then the nickel and diming began - we asked for covered sippy covers for the kids- "that'll cost you."   Nice.... then our friends asked for a side of Marinara - yeah, that was $0.70.  In any case, while the pizza is greasy and good, what happened to just being a good customer-oriented restaurant?

Anthony's is delish but certainly will nickel and dime you for almost all items.