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Friday, July 11, 2008

Travelling Fun

I have recently heard about alot of changes coming in the airline industry, like charging for everything - pillows, blankets, seats, bags, and food. This morning I flew across the country to Massachussetts and realized how little it had changed for me. The lack of food did not impact me because I bought my $2.68 Subway sandwich before I made my connection and then ate it on board. The drinks are free for now which helped because I could get a Ginger Ale to go with the sandwich. I carried my own Wheat Thins, fruit snacks, and granola bars so that helped alot as well. It was ironic because at DIA, I heard a woman telling her kids "we may get breakfast on the plane - they may serve us breakfast so just hold on." I wanted to tell her to go get McDonald's now before it was too late. They offered a $7 fruit and cheese plate and some $5 mini snack with crackers, meats, and cheese. I am sure the kids were not happy about that!

Anyway, I managed to snag a pillow - they have 1 per aisle and 1 blanket per aisle. I was surprised to see an in-flight movie being show on my longest leg of 3 hours. It seemed counter-intuitive if an airline was truly trying to save money to show a not-so-hit inflight movie. The movie was called "Married Life" but I slept through it. The flight attendants, I was pleasantly surprised to see, were extremely helpful and nice. They were downright, cheery. What a change for United Airlines!

The connections were smooth and can you believe this!? Both flights were early arriving so things were going great.... until I hit the rental car place- what a nightmare that was - it took well over 45 minutes to rent a car and get the heck out of there so needless to say, I was late to the conference but low and behold, I did not miss much. BTW, this was my first experience testing out Garmin on the road and it was great - worked perfectly and got me to my destination without a problem. When I got to my destination I had forgotten some essential items I needed but there is not much I can do now. Needless to say, it was a good airline experience and I think travelling does not have to be so miserable if the people are good and things run smooth. I am not looking forward to paying $15 for the first bag and $1 for that Ginger Ale I got for free today but I can imagine how tough it is to run a business right now with fuel prices, inflation, and every cost on the rise.

Bon Voyage!