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Friday, September 10, 2010

Target Stores- smaller is better!

I have experiences at a few Targets - the Super Target in Superior, Colorado, for example- the Super Target near Colorado Mills in Golden, and by far, my favorite Target is the one on 80th and Wadsworth in Arvada.  I have never met a friendlier more knowledgeable staff in the pharmacy and throughout the store.  The biggest plus is that it is NOT a super target.  You tend to get lost in Super stores - often, parading through the stores for hours to find something.  The regular targets are perfect for my lifestyle- quick and easy, in and out and the lines are always manageable too.  Some of them even carry just enough frozen, dairy, and fresh foods to make it very convenient for me.  I like the smaller targets and there are just not enough of them is my biggest to Target Corp - bring back small -- when it comes to convenience, ease and a busy lifestyle, SMALL IS BEST!

I think the same way about Wal-marts too.  By going Super, all of these stores lose a little ... something.