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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

But for the grace of God go .... You!

Recently, I have become that parent who has the screaming child or the cranky child on an airplane, at a restaurant, the grocery store, or some other public place where people can gawk at me and judge me. I am getting better and better at ignoring the world around me but it is tough to completely shut out the people. After all, we live in a society. Boarding at Denver this time, on our way to New Orleans, our daughter got a little unruly as we strolled her down the jetway. She wanted to be held which is tough for me because my arm gets tired and with a backpack and a purse, holding her is tough to do. Needless to say, the peanut gallery (2 women who are probably barren) had the nerve to talk pretty loud about her outburst- loud enough for me to hear. I was a little aggravated and wanted my daughter to scream more to teach them lesson preferably through one of their naps or great reading moments on the plane - heehee (evil laugh). They were saying – "oh no, a screaming child - I hope we are not sitting near that!" I prayed that we were because exacting revenge is about all the ammo you have at that moment.

I can only imagine how parents feel travelling with multiple kids especially if one or two are special needs. It is hard enough to be a parent much less travelling with small children. Then, to hear mockery and comments from losers around you, that is even harder. I agree that sitting next to a screaming child for a flight longer than 4 hours can be hard but I think you can suck it up for a 2-hour jaunt to the BIG EASY. Just because you cannot have children or choose not to does not mean that your environment will be free of children. The worst part is that people on planes have an expectation that kids will be quiet and color, sleep, or just quietly watch a DVD – not true. Not all kids can be focused like that and certainly all kids are different. Some are tired, some are sick, and some have special needs. Some are just lively - so sue me! My child is lively and man, does she have a mind of her own - hey, she may find a cure for cancer someday. :-) What people do not understand is that staring, talking about the parents and the kid where they can hear you, or giving dirty looks make things worse. I no longer discipline my kid when she wants to kick the seat in front of her – go ahead – kick away- especially when the person in the front of us is a moron and does not understand. My message to you people - Caveat Emptor! When you travel or go to a public place including a restaurant you should expect some noise from my screaming child and if you do not have that expectation, perhaps the problem is not mine- it is yours! Now come on – get real – I do not take my child to fancy restaurants or inappropriate kid places like nightclubs but when I am at Red Lobster, Olive Garden or Applebee’s and I see you complaining and looking at me, I do not feel bad for you nor will I discipline my child not because I do not care about my kid but mainly because I do not care what you think! I will do what I have to do and need to do to raise my child without your judgment as a factor.

Needless to say, I am getting better at ignoring the world around me and not feeling so embarrassed. At first I was mortified if my daughter screamed - now, I just sorta hope for the best. Not much else you can do really. I am getting better but I am not 100% there yet. And to all of you who think you have the best kids in the world.... Ha! But for the Grace of God go ... You.