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Monday, October 20, 2008

Get an Endodontist for God's Sake

As promised, here is another installment of pain and unpleasantries at the dentist at what feels like my 10th appointment (4th really) over this damn root canal. It has been a nightmare and it seems like it never ends. There is something to be said about paying more to get an expert to complete it in one or two sittings. Now, I have to go back to get a permanent which should be ready in 2 weeks but who knows.

The appointment started with my asking questions I should have asked much much earlier. Like, hello, is this last appointment? Is the tool in that he needed last time but was not in? What about the permanent? Can I get that today or do I need to come back one more time? The hygenist, frankly, seemed annoyed with me. She thought I was being "difficult" because I asked questions. Warning #1. The dentist could not stop singing today - Warning #2. And the final straw was when they wanted to take an X-ray which is why I stuck with these losers in the first place. I almost lost it. Warning #3. When your hygenist calls your dentist "BABY" or HONEY, you know you may not be in a professional office environment. Warning #4. Needless to say, I cannot wait til this tooth stuff is done and I can find a new dentist. Maybe I will go to my husband's. It is far away from my work but he has had good experiences, or I will ask around at the office and see who else is out there. It is so hard to find good medical and dental care these days, that it is a miracle there are still some good ones out there. I, unfortunately, have had some rough experiences at this dentist that I hope no one ever has.

Tylenol 3 (with Codeine) here I come I suppose!